Sunday, March 01, 2009

In Case This Blog is Your Only View Out From Under a Rock...'ll be delighted to hear that my wife has given birth to our fifth* child.

(Perhaps my title isn't fair; I know that many of my readers are separated from us by distance and non-Facebookiness.)

Our son - yes, our SON, if you can believe it - took his first breath at 8:25 AM on Feb 27. He was 9 lb 9 oz, and 22 inches long. His name is Benedict Robert Joachim Kautz. Mom and baby are home and all is well, aside from a cold bug circling through our home.
The girls are enthralled and want to keep poking him.


  1. Congrats and thanks be to God.

  2. that's a big boy! ...God bless you all.


  3. Oooooooooo what a cutie!

    Congrats to you and your wife.


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