Thursday, August 17, 2006

A Bad Life

The question has arisen: Is it not right to abort a child who would otherwise be born into a life of hardship and suffering?

There are many ways to answer this, but the Internet only has 2,500,000,000,000,000ish bytes of storage capacity, and I'd use it all and more were I to jump into a fully expounded treatise on the errors of that argument.

Plus I'd bore people, and probably crash Blogger. So I'll cram this sliver of truth into a smallish nutshell.

Let me start by saying that I acknowledge abortion is rarely - if ever - an easy decision. It's an unpleasant experience, no matter how like a cosmetic procedure Planned Parenthood tries to present it. Usually bad circumstances lead women to believe there are no other options. I sympathize with every woman in that position, and offer the following statements in tender, if blunt, charity:
  1. There is no guarantee that a life, however unfortunate its origins, will be one of suffering.
  2. There is no guarantee that a life, however fortunate its origins, will be one of pleasure.
  3. There is no need for the birth mother to keep custody of the child, if she feels the child's development would be harmed by the mother's lifestyle.
  4. There is no need for the birth mother to keep custody of the child, if she feels the child will interfere with her own lifestyle.
  5. Generally speaking, abortion is a symptom of a larger, more substantial societal problem: sexual immorality.
  6. Generally speaking, the chain of events that lead to an abortion are not reduced to a single choice; several bad choices are made along the way.
  7. Margaret Sanger, the foundress of Planned Parenthood, intended primarily to reduce the population of non-whites. Her association with eugenicists and racists is well known.
  8. Margaret Sanger, one of eleven children, "associated poverty, toil, unemployment, drunkenness, cruelty, quarreling, fighting, debts, [and] jails with large families." [ibid]
  9. She was wrong. Those things happen to almost everybody.
  10. Human life begins at some point. Call it a fertilized ovum, a zygote, an embryo, or a fetus: it is still a human. It is not a coyote, not a penguin, not a stegosaurus.
  11. If you don't define the beginning of human life as at conception, there is no other logical point at which to define it.
  12. If human life begins at conception, then it must be valued and defended as the life of any extra-uteral human. [I thought I just invented that word, but I see I didn't.]
  13. If an extra-uteral human has his or her bodily functions brought to a halt by the direct actions of another human, it's called killing.
  14. Killing another human is justified in some circumstances, such as self-defense or the defense of another.
  15. Saint Gianna Molla (the only Saint I've ever seen a colour photo of) died in 1962 after discovering she had uterine cancer - while pregnant - and refused to abort her child to save herself. Spend some time on that site - verrrrrrrrry cool stuff.
  16. If killing is done directly and intentionally, it's called murder.
  17. Everything from a fertilized ovum and up is human. Intentionally and directly killing an intra-uteral human is murder.
  18. "One may not do evil so that good may result from it."
  19. All sins, including murder, can be forgiven.
  20. Jesus wants you to be freed from your sins, but that involves being made aware of them first.
That's about as plain as I can make it.

Again, let me state I'm not judging anyone; I'm not in a position to do so, and daren't presume that I could judge well if I were. What I am stating is the belief of the Church: Truth revealed through Christ.

If you refuse to believe the Truth, well, OK. Go nuts. But I invite you to sample the real freedom and peace that come through Christ, through living his Truth. There's nothing like it.

You'll never go back.


  1. If one takes all the necessary percautions and is very safe and still gets pregnant, it is a "mistake" to say the least. Also I know of many women who fear not being able to give their child at birth. Once they see that baby, they love it, and feel they cannot part from it. Which is their choice. But at what cost? i still believe that in some circumstances a child being aborted is a better choice. I also believe I will be judged on who I am and not what my actions are.

  2. Let me clarify one more thing, I have never had an abortion! I just made the comment "I also believe I will be judged on who I am and not what my actions are." because thats what I believe.

  3. In many ways our actions define us.

    Or at the very least, they determine what happens to us. If you're a great person but are consistenly late for work, you'll be fired despite being a great person [I'm not making any presumptions on your work habits :) ].

    It's ok to believe something. Right now, for instance, if I believe that I have a 1975 Corvette Stingray waiting for me outside, nobody would refuse me the right to believe that. However, I would be wrong. Reality is not determined by my beliefs; instead, when I conform my beliefs to reality, I find true happiness.

    The reality is that abortion is a far greater evil than any potential for a troubled life. We cannot play God with who lives and who dies based on our own opinion of what makes life worth living.

  4. The problem is that anyone person can make the choice of who lives and who dies.
    These people who believe that abortion is their only option do not believe in the same things as you or I may, however how can we say this is wrong.
    As you said, God forgives. That is what he is about, is it not?
    I can definately understand where you are coming from, you having the beliefs you do, however I again say, how are you to judge what is wrong and right. Everybody has their own beliefs James. Everyone has their own god, and their own religion. We cannot say that they are wrong, because they do not agree with us.

  5. But we can say they are wrong - and indeed, it is a very loving thing to inform someone of his error - if they do not agree with God.

    Belief in something doesn't make it real, and disbelief in something doesn't make it irrelevant.

    I know it sounds like circular logic to say that I'm right because God says so, and I know God says so because I'm right.

    But if God is real and all-powerful, then he either wants us to know about him, or he doesn't. If he didn't want us to know about him, we wouldn't.

    So let's assume that he desires our awareness of him. To what end? To hold a cold intellectual fact in our heads that God exists?

    No, God desires intimacy with us. He desires to be close to us; to know us deeply, and to be deeply known.

    If there is something to know about God, we can only know it if he tells us what it is; that act of him revealing himself to us is what we call "revelation."

    So the question arises: how are we to be confident in the accuracy of God's revelation? Put another way, how can we know that we hear the word of God authentically?

    If God held every person to a different standard, would you believe in him? If he permitted theft for one person but forbid for in another, would you consider him to be a God worth loving? If he encouraged one person to a life of violence while demanding that another live a life of pacifism, wouldn't it seem like he was just playing with us like a boy frizzing ants with a magnifying glass?

    Indeed, the only way we can have confidence in what God has revealed of himself is if he consistenly presents the same message to us. The message of a constant God must be equally constant.

    That message is simple, yet profound: "Give me your life, and I will give you mine." It's almost matrimonial in a way. It's a promise of utter joy on earth, and of eternal bliss in paradise. It's a hard calling, but one well worth it. And compared to the promises the deceiver makes (and the fruit of them), the demands of a loving God are an easy burden.

    God calls out to you. He wants you to live a fuller life; he pleads for you and longs to share his very essence with you!

    What will your response be?

    Let me know when you're ready to respond.

  6. You'd be surprised at how many women know the unborn is a human, and believe abortion is murder, but still have the abortion anyway.

    They do it because they can.


Comments are welcome, but must be on topic. Spam, hateful/obscene remarks, and shameless self-promotion will be unceremoniously deleted. Well, OK, I might put on a little ceremony when I delete them.