Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Dissent, Dialogue, and %&$#@*!, III

So I emailed my bishop, Emelius Goulet, P.S.S, about the Catholic Religious Conference's proposal to liberalize Church teaching.

He responded within a few days, and said:

Thank you for your email of March 18th, 2006, regarding the letter from the Catholic Religious Conference to the Bishops. It gave me the opportunity to read the Globe and Mail’s article.

Please do not be concerned. I am preparing the ad limina visit according to the information that was sent by the Congregation for the Bishops. I thank you for your prayers. You can be sure I will pass on your greetings of respect and love to the Holy Father.

Yours in Christ,

+ Emilius Goulet, P.S.S.

Archbishop of Saint Boniface

I didn't know what order "P.S.S. " referred to, so I looked it up and found that it's the Society of Priests of St. Sulpice. It dates back to 17th Century France.

It's also one of the 230 societies affiliated with the Catholic Religious Conference.

I dare not presume to infer guilt by association; I've had several intimate talks with His Grace, and I believe he is a holy man with a discerning wisdom.

Since he's taking his instructions from the Congregation for the Bishops, a Vatican office, I'm confident that Archbishop Goulet will not let us down.

Let us keep him, and all our bishops, in our prayers as they prepare for their Ad Limina visits (meaning to the threshold, referring to the tombs of St. Peter and St. Paul) with Pope Benedict XVI.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Thanks for the previous post. I wrote our bishop.

    2. Thanks for the Catholic Hierarchy site link. I had no idea it existed. Not only did I look up our Bishop, a CSB man, to find out what CSB is but I now have a great resource at my fingertips.

    3. I've not had a reply back yet but this is the RC so sometime within the next year will be prompt ;-)


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